
Our actions in Bolivia

In Bolivia, we are working to improve the lives of children and young people in various regions. In Sucre, El Alto and other towns, our initiatives aim to prevent violence, improve access to education and strengthen environmental protection. Our actions also extend to supporting young women who are victims of violence and preventing them from dropping out of school. We also work to raise community awareness of the need to protect children and their right to a quality education.

Our presence in Bolivia in a few key figures


partners are working alongside us in different parts of the country


children and young people benefit from our daily assistance in India


adults receive direct aid from Terre des Hommes Suisse

Terre des Hommes Suisse in Bolivia

Bolivie - Mujeres Creando | Terre des Hommes Suisse

Protecting women and children from domestic violence

Every year, a large number of young women in La Paz who are victims of gender and domestic violence receive support to defend their rights and rebuild their future and that of their children. A radio programme is also broadcast to raise awareness and inform a wide audience about the risks of violence.

Our partner : Mujeres Creando

Protecting children at risk of exploitation

In Potosi, where many children are forced to help their families by working, measures are being taken to enable these children to continue their education while being protected from the risks of violence and exploitation. Numerous actions are being taken to support the commitment of children and adults to child protection in several municipalities.

Our partners : Pastoral Social Caritas Potosi (PASOCAP)

Bolivie - Enfants travailleurs - Association PASOCAP | Terre des Hommes Suisse

Better protection for children in schools, families and communities

In the regions of Sucre and El Alto, a significant number of children, young people, parents and teachers benefit from programmes to prevent violence in schools, families and communities. Awareness-raising and lobbying activities are carried out with local authorities to strengthen the protection of children’s rights.

Our partner : Centro de Estudios y Apoyo al Desarrollo Local (CEADL)

Preventing school drop-out

In addition to public education in Cochabamba schools, our partner is preventing children from dropping out of school and running workshops to raise awareness of their rights and sustainable development among 800 children and 250 parents and teachers. The protection of 400 children identified as being at risk of exploitation is improved by specific support actions.

Our partner : Centro Fenix, Fundacion Estrellas en la calle

Bolivie - Fondation Estrellas | Terre des Hommes Suisse
Bolivie - Fondation Ayni | Terre des Hommes Suisse

Promoting access to education and a protective environment

In several municipalities in Cochabamba’s Valle de Alto, 7,000 children and young people are benefiting from an improvement in the quality of their education and a safer environment in their schools and families.

Our partner : Fondation Ayni

Educating for children’s rights and sustainable development

Terre des Hommes Suisse supports initiatives in Bolivia aimed at complementing education projects on children’s rights and environmental protection. In several Bolivian towns, a large number of children and their teachers receive annual training, enabling some of them to become committed eco-journalists in their schools and communities.

Bolivie - Education et soutien aux droits des enfants

More information about our presence

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