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Civic education

Due to their great open-mindedness and sensibility to injustice, young people are an ideal audience for Terre des Hommes Suisse.

Due to their great openness to the world and sensibility to injustice, young people are an ideal audience for Terre des Hommes Suisse. Especially since our goal is to improve the living conditions of underprivileged populations in the South, principally children and their families.

Journée Communication pour Robin des Watts

Terre des Hommes Suisse informs the youth; actors of tomorrow’s society as parents, citizens and consumers; about the causes of North-South disparities. We also teach young people here the notions of sustainable development and fair trade to promote a world of greater fairness.

This is the reason why Terre des Hommes Suisse offers activities to students throughout French-speaking Switzerland, especially in Geneva: presentation of our Southern partners’ projects, information campaigns in Switzerland, educational material, exhibitions and games’ animations, shows, meetings and exchanges with young people from Southern countries.