Terre des Hommes Suisse Annual report

The annual report of Terre des Hommes Suisse presents the activities and the financial balance sheet of the past year.

The annual report presents the financial balance sheet of the past year as well as the actions linked to the main focuses of Terre des Hommes Suisse

Download here the 2015 Terre des Hommes Suisse annual report.

The association Terre des Hommes Suisse is an independent, officially recognised, non-governmental organisation with neither political nor religious affiliation. Founded in 1960, with its headquarters for French- and Italian-speaking Switzerland in Geneva, the organisation has been working for over half a century on behalf of children and in solidarity with developing countries.

Terre des Hommes Suisse supports over 50 development programmes in 10 countries in the South. Run in close collaboration with local organisations, the programmes enable underprivileged populations, especially children, to defend their rights and meet their basic needs. In nine countries, Terre des Hommes Suisse relies on national coordinators who represent the organisation to governmental authorities and support our field partners in the monitoring of on-going projects.

To make our actions in southern countries truly meaningful, it is essential to act on the root causes of the marginalisation of southern populations, notably the effects of economic globalization. That is why Terre des Hommes Suisse also pursues educational activities in Switzerland for children and young people to emphasise the importance of solidarity with people in the South and to promote a society that encourages sustainable development and fair trade.

Our goals

To create a world that is more just and human in which children have a better future requires the commitment and organisation of civil society around the world. Given the values it espouses and the activities it promotes in the North and in the South, Terre des Hommes Suisse, like many NGOs, has a special role to play in this global network of solidarity. To develop the knowledge and skills necessary to improve the quality of its work, Terre des Hommes Suisse has chosen to concentrate its activities on three key areas:

  1. Protection against serious violations of children’s rights (working to eradicate the worst forms of child labour, all types of violence, the trafficking of children and their vulnerability in migratory situations).
  2. Right to education.
  3. Right to food. Terre des Hommes Suisse also operates along a number of cross-cutting axes: the promotion of local citizenship (especially the participation of young people) and gender equality.

Finally, its global programmes create a concrete link between its actions in the South and those in Switzerland.