I want to make a bequest

Showing solidarity after death preserves and encourages our work in favour of underprivileged children.

By establishing Terre des Hommes Suisse as legatee or inheritor, you will express your commitment to children’s protection and the defence of their rights. This gesture will extend your commitment to a cause you feel strongly about.

To bequeath is to get involved today for a better tomorrow. It is to offer protection to the most vulnerable and to give hope again to thousands of children.

In Switzerland, a text in your handwriting containing the date, location and your signature constitutes a valid will. A professional (notary, lawyer, banker) will gladly help you to write a will in accordance with the law and you desire. And if you wish for Terre des Hommes Suisse to be a beneficiary it is indispensable that the full name and address of our association appears on your will.

If you wish so, you can contact me directly by phone at 022 737 36 36 to get more information on the subject, with complete discretion and confidentiality.

Yours Sincerely,

Jean-Luc Pittet

P-S: A will is not permanent, you can freely modify it at any time.