Children rights in mining areas

A program to address the impacts of the gold extraction industry, especially in the Amazonian region of Peru: trafficking and prostitution of young girls, withdrawals of children from school, water pollution, disappearance of traditional agricultural activities. In Switzerland, we carry out advocacy work.

The high increase of  the gold exchange rate has speeded up the impacts of gold mining, especially in the Amazonian region of Peru: young women victims of trafficking and prostitution, children dropping out of school , water pollution, loss of traditional agricultural activities.

Terre des Hommes Suisse’s action

Terre des Hommes Suisse develops various work focus with different partners, with the aim to act globally:

Various actions are therefore carried out in the field: welcoming of  victims, voluntary networks of protection of children rights, awareness campaigns for the population and authorities, prevention in Andean regions, reinsertion of victims in their families, farming alternatives and help to the formation of farmers, vegetable gardens for the families and the schools, technological improvement to avoid mercury uses, etc.

An advocacy work is on-going in Switzerland as well as collaborations with other active organisation on the theme of gold.