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Marche de l’espoir sponsorship

Associate your name and brand image with a great popular event in favour of solidarity, benefiting from a very positive image!

For over 20 years, Terre des Hommes Suisse has organised a charity walk, taking place along Geneva’s Quai du Mont-Blanc on one Sunday of October, “La Marche de l’espoir” (The March of hope). Each year, nearly 5’000 children participate, usually accompanied by their families, this makes the Marche de l’espoir the greatest solidarity event of this kind in Switzerland. Altogether, an estimated 12,000 people assemble by the lakeside, driven by 500 volunteers.

It’s all very simple: beforehand, each participant looks for sponsors who agree to contribute a certain sum of money for each kilometre walked. After the event the money that has been pledged is collected and sent to Terre des Hommes Suisse.

More than a solidarity action, La Marche de l’espoir also has an important awareness-raising function. From the start of the school term, trained representatives of Terre des Hommes Suisse visit classes to present topics related to children’s rights and Southern countries. Every year, nearly 30,000 students become aware of the realities of life in developing Southern countries and of the importance of solidarity actions.

Why get involved in la Marche de l’espoir ?

1. To associate your name and brand image with a great popular event in favour of solidarity, benefiting from a very positive image.

2. To enhance your company’s social responsibility with your customers and the public.

3. To rally your colleagues around a strong unifying project combining physical activity, solidarity and friendliness.

4. To cooperate with a local, active NGO, based in Geneva.

A few examples of your company’s visibility

-mention of your company in the Terre des Hommes Suisse newspaper (30, 000 printed copies)
-on-site radio announcements on the day of the event
-your promotional banner placed along the itinerary of the walk (visibility 10, 000 to 15, 000 people)
-Your company’s logo presented on a billboard at the Quai du Mont-Blanc rotunda the day of the walk
-Your company’s logo placed on the home page of the website with a link to your website
-mention of your company in our press release and your logo presented on our press pack
-Possibilities to advertise your sponsorship using your company’s intern and extern communication means (client newsletter, website, internal newsletter, intranet, etc.) 

Video of the event (in French only)


For the use of your donations, we guarantee :

1. Professionalism acquired from 50 years of field experience.

2. Concrete and effective projects with a long-term perspective. Through 50 programmes carried out in 10 countries, we make lasting improvements to the lives of thousands of underprivileged children and their families.

3. A strict follow-up of our projects’ management, thanks to the direct supervision of our local coordinators in the field.

4. Financial transparency. We are certified as a public interest organization by the Zewo, the body that guaranties the fit and proper use of donations. Our annual accounts are controlled and audited by a Swiss trust company.

5. Serious feedbacks, in accordance with the terms of a mutual agreement.

6. Tax deductions for your donations, according to the legal norms in force.