Terre des Hommes Movement

Terre des Hommes Suisse is part of the Terre des Hommes movement founded by Edmond Kaiser in 1960 to help children in need. Edmond Kaiser sought to mobilise people of good will in defence of children’s rights. Thus, groups of volunteers were organised in French and German-speaking Switzerland to host children or take direct action in the field.

Over the years, several associations were born from this impulse.


At the international level, in Switzerland, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, Netherlands or Luxembourg, Terre des Hommes organisations were created. The members of the movement are today grouped together in the International Federation of Terre des Hommes, whose headquarters are in Geneva.


In Switzerland, four organisations work for the respect of children’s rights under the umbrella of Terre des Hommes:

– Terre des Hommes Suisse, which is made up of two sections : one in Geneva and the other in Basel. 

– The Terre des Hommes Foundation – child relief, based in Lausanne

– The Maison d’accueil of Massongex / TdH Valais


While each organisation is independent, each brings specific capacities to fulfil the common mission of defending children’s rights.

Terre des Hommes suisse / schweiz

Terre des Hommes Suisse is composed of a French-speaking section (Terre des Hommes Suisse) and a German-speaking section (terre des hommes schweiz).


Both sections are of the same size and follow the same philosophy of promoting children’s rights, particularly through partnerships with local associations and by supporting children and young people who are recognised as actors of change.


Both are active here and there, in Switzerland and internationally. The two sections even work together on advocacy and awareness-raising for children’s rights in Switzerland and set up joint programs in countries such as Brazil or Colombia.

• Terre des Hommes International Federation
   Ch. Frank-Thomas 31, 1223 Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland
   Phone +41 (0)22 736 33 72 / Fax +41 (0)22 736 15 10
   E-mail info@terredeshommes.org / www.terredeshommes.org

• Terre des Hommes Belgium
   B.P. 214, 1200 Bruxelles 20, Belgium
   Phone +32 2 772 23 78 / Fax +32 2 772 24 89
   E-mail terredeshommes@tiscalinet.be / www.terre-des-hommes.be

• Terre des Hommes Canada
   Lionel Groulx2520, H3J 1J8 Montréal Québec, Canada
   Phone +1 514 937 33 25 / Fax +1 514 933 71 25
   E-mail tdhcan@cam.org / www.tdh.ca

• Terre des Hommes Denmark
   Albert Dams Vej 9, 9382 Tylstrup, Denmark
   Phone +45 98 26 13 02
   E-mail henboeg@post1.dknet.dk / www.terredeshommes.dk

• Terre des Hommes France
   Rue Franklin 4, 93200 St-Denis, France
   Phone +33 1 48 09 09 76 / Fax +33 1 48 09 15 75
   E-mail tdhf@globenet.org / www.terredeshommes.fr

• Terre des Hommes Germany
   Postfach 4126, 49031 Osnabruck, Germany
   Phone +49 541 710 10 / Fax +49 541 70 72 33
   E-mail info@tdh.de / www.tdh.de

• Terre des Hommes Italy / Fondazione Terre des Hommes – Italia – Onlus
   Viale Monza 57, 20127 Milan, Italy
   Phone +39 02 28 97 04 18 / Fax +39 02 26 11 39 71
   E-mail info@tdhitaly.org / www.tdhitaly.org

• Terre des Hommes Luxembourg
   Rue Glesener53a, 1631 Luxemburg, Luxembourg
   Phone +352 49 66 57 / Fax +352 49 66 57

• Terre des Hommes Schweiz / Bâle
   Laufenstrasse 12, Postfach, 4018 Bâle, Switzerland
   Phone +41 61 338 91 38 / Fax +41 61 338 91 39
   E-mail info@terredeshommes.ch / www.terredeshommesschweiz.ch

• Terre des Hommes Suisse / Genève
   Ch. du Pré-Picot 3, 1223 Cologny – Geneva, Switzerland
   Tél +41 22 736 36 36 / Fax +41 22 736 15 10
   Mail secretariat@terredeshommessuisse.ch / www.terredeshommessuisse.ch

• Fondation Terre des hommes / Lausanne
   Avenue de Montchoisi 15, 1006 Lausanne, Switzerland
   Tél +41 58 611 06 66 / Fax +41 58 611 06 77
   Mail terredeshommes@tdh.ch / www.tdh.ch

• Terre des Hommes Syria
   Rue J.-J. de Sellon 2, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland